Greater Ozarks MFA Agri ServicesOzark, Ash Grove & Marshfield.

At Marshfield MFA, we carry several different varieties of forages on hand.  If we do not have a forage you want, please let us know, and we can order it right away!
To view the complete 2014 MFA Forage Guide, please stop by your local MFA Agri Services store, or download the MFA Agronomoy App today from the Google Play store or the iTunes App store!
Legumes  |   Cool Season Grasses  |   Cereal Grains
Cool Season Grasses  09/17/13 2:43:17 PM

Extend Orchardgrass
Extend Orchardgrass is the product of choice for pure stands or grass-legume mixes with its later maturity and superior yield.  Extend's excellent plant vigor and drought tolerance allow for increased stand persistence.  Extend's stem rust resistance improves palatability for all classes of livestock.

Physical Characteristics Long lived cool-season bunchgrass that grows approximately 4 feet tall with numerous basal leaves and a "cocksfoot" shaped head. Drought Tolerance:  Extend is more drought tolerant than Timothy or Kentucky bluegrass but not as drought tolerant as tall fescue.
Growth Characteristics:  Extend starts growth early in spring, develops rapidly and flowers during late May or early June.  Tillering occurs almost continuously throughout the growing season.  Orchardgrass seedlings grow more rapidly that smooth bromegrass or tall fescue but not as vigorously as reeds canarygrass. Planting Requirements:  Orchardgrass prefers moderate to well-drained soils.  Spring plantings should be made March 1 to May 15.  Summer seeding August 1 to September 15.
Maturity Extend is a late maturing variety. Seeding Requirements:  Pure stand rates should be 20 - 40 lbs. broadcast per acre drillled, alfalfa mix 4-6 lbs. per acre, clover mix 10 lbs. per acre at a depth of 1/4 to 1/2 inch.
Disease Tolerance:  Extend exhibits stem rust resistance. Soil and Nutrient Requirements:  Minimum pH should be 5.5; however, 6.0 to 7.0 is optimum.  Nitrogen should be applied in multiple applications during early spring (after first cutting), and fall.  Adequate phosphorous and potassium are also necessary for top production.
Insect Tolerance Insects are seldom a problem. Harvesting Tips First cutting in spring should be done before head emergence (boot stage).  Later cuttings can be made at 4-6 week intervals.  Rotational grazing is preferred for best production, persistence and quality.  Fields should be grazed heavily and frequently (every 10 - 12 days) during the rapid spring growth period, but overgrazing should be avoided.  Leave a 3 - 4 inch stubble for quick recovery.

Derby Timothy
Derby is an early maturing Timothy with excellent winter hardiness and yield potential.  Selected for improved regrowth after cutting and is an excellent companion with legumes.

Physical Characteristics Derby is a relatively short-lived, cool season perennial forage.  Leaves vary in length from a few inches to a foot and are about 1/4 inch wide, narrowing gently toward the tip.  Heads are spike-like and dense, from 2 to 6 inches in length.  Seeds are very small producing more than a million seeds per lb. Drought Tolerance:  Drought tolerance is fair.
Growth Characteristics:  A shallow rooted bunch grass that grows 20 to 40 inches tall and producing tillers that develop into roots.  Derby is most productive in spring and early summer. Planting Requirements:  Timothy is usually seeded in mixtures with legumes.  A firm, weed-free seedbed is key to a successful planting.  Plant early spring or August to September.
Maturity Early maturing. Seeding Requirements:  Pure stands: Plant 8-10 lbs/acre drilled; In mixes: 2-4 lbs/acre no deeper than 1/2 inch.
Disease Tolerance:  Shows resistance to rust, rhizoctonia, lepto leaf spot and septoria leaf blotch. Soil and Nutrient Requirements:  Derby prefers finely textured soils like clay loams.  Derby is highly responsive to fertilizers, especially nitrogen.
Insect ToleranceInsect damage is minimal on forage yield. Harvesting Tips Hay should be cut at the boot or early bloom stage to obtain best quality.  Late cut hay is of low quality.  Overgrazing Timothy can be detrimental to the stand.
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